Ability Power Limited offer a complete service from Delivery to Installation to commissioning,
then for peace of mind we can offer a full maintenance package to suit your equipment and your needs.
Don’t delay get in touch with our technical sales team now.
01437 766984
or service@abilitypower.co.uk
Our project management team can facilitate a smooth and pain-free installation liasing closely with you & your representatives. We provide full onsite services from offload & position to electrical and mechanical engineering to commissioning and handover to you, or your client.
UPS & Generators are sophisticated & high value pieces of equipment - our nationwide service team are available 365 days a year, anytime of the day or night to ensure your investment & your business can continue to work without interruption when you need it most.
After Sales Service and Spare Parts
Ability Power Limited support products with a network of engineers throughout the UK and provide the following services:
Installation of Air Handling
Installation of Flue extensions
Commissioning/startup of all products supplied by us
Operation and Maintenance Product Training for customer personnel
Preventative Maintenance agreements
Technical Support Spare parts
Operation and Maintenance Product Training for customer personnel. Preventative Maintenance agreements. Technical Support Spare parts. Example of a Flue extension installed by Ability Power Limited to an Acoustic Generator set located in a business Car park in Bracknell
We picked some of our projects, click on inside the card information photography to display all the details of buyers feedback and final product.
Essential load back up
The 800kVA Generator was craned to the roof of a nine-storey building, supplying the buildings essential loads, its final resting place offers a fantastic view of Windsor castle.
This was a tricky one! The generator had to be positioned by the crane through a girder system already built at the top of the building, the generator had to be built to exact measurements to allow this to happen.
The generator was witnessed tested prior to delivery and obviously measurements were taken to ensure it would fit. During the witness test the customer was happy with the operation of the generator under load and the size was just perfect.
Our glossary of terms will make sure that we are talking about same principles described in each section.
Glossary of TermsWherecan I purchase original spare parts for my generator?
All consumables and original spare parts for Ability Power Limited supplied generators are available from Ability Power Limited service department, please contact: service@abilitypower.co.uk .
When and how should I maintainand check my generator?
Please respect the schedules given in the maintenance manual and user's manual delivered with your generator. Please remember that a number of factors can shorten the intervals described in the schedules, such as: Startup frequency, operational time, load level, quality of lubricants and fuel used, ambient temperature, environmental conditions, etc. Responsibility for correct maintenance including replacement of the consumables (lubricant, filters, V-belts, antifreeze, injectors, etc.) remains with the user. It is recommended that general checks, adjustment and testing are carried out every 2 or 3 months. General Maintenance, when lubricants and filters are replaced must be carried out once every 12 months, even if the operational hours are less than the hours indicated in the maintenance schedule. The Generator should be run under load for 10 to 15 minutes once a week, to ensure the generator will function correctly when required.
For more information concerning maintenance services available, please contact: service@abilitypower.co.uk
What if I run my Diesel Generator under low load?
Running a Diesel Generator on low load levels can result in the same engine service life reduction that may occur when running the generator at levels above the capacity rating indicated on the rating plate. Large capacity Generators are affected more than smaller capacity generators. The recommended Minimum load level for standby generator sets is 30% of its total rating.The following problems might ocur if a generator runs without load or under low load:
- The exhaust and air suction system might suffer lubricant or fluid leaks
- Carbon deposits can accumulate on its cylinder liners or exhaust manifold
- Parts of the engine might be damaged due to excessive wear
- The engine Lubricant might get thinned therefore decreasing the lubrication quality
- White smoke might be emitted from the exhaust.
What is the standard Generator warranty?
All Ability Power Limted products are warranted against part and manufacturing failures.
Please review the documents delivered with your product or contact sales@abilitypower.co.uk for additional warranty information.
What is RPM (revolution perminute)?
RPM refers to the number of revolutions of the generator/alternator.The normal RPM rates are 1,500 or 3,000 for engines and alternatorsat 50Hz, and 1,800 or 3,600 RPM for 60Hz.
What will happen if I overload my generator?
Generators are rated as standby, prime or continuous, the type is indicated on the generator sets rating plate. If a generator is used above its rating plate, the following problems might happen:
- The Engine may overheat and shutdown on overtemprature
- Excessive Wearing of the engine will increase
- Alternator's windings might overheat and cause premature failures
- The engines Lubricant will thin and the Oil pressure may decrease
- The Service life of the engine might shorten.
Does my generator emit a noise?
The Engine, alternator and all other moving parts emit a noise, the silencer reduces the noise level to 65dbA @ 1M. Open sets installed on Baseframes have no noise reduction apart from the silencer. Generator sets installed in weatherproof acoustic Canopies reduce the noise emmission of the generator set to meet european noise levels.
How can I calculate the generator capacity I need?
Calculation of the generator capacity required is determined by a number of factors, such as the operational requirement, the load types, operational ambient conditions. For sizing assistance please contact sales@abilitypower.co.uk
What main components are used to manufacture a generator?
Generators are maunfactured using the following components.
- Diesel/Gas Engine
- Alternator
- Radiator
- Chassis
– base Frame with Day fuel tank
- Battery- Control panel
- Transfer panel (for Automatic operation)
How do I select the correct site to install a generator?
Selection of a site for your generator installation can influence the service life of the Generator. Ability Power Limited can assist in this process, please contact sales@abilitypower.co.uk
- Selection of a site: If the generator is to be installed in a building it is important to ensure correct ventilation and exhaust pipes are installed to take the exhaust fumes away from work areas. If the Generator is to be located outdoors, a weatherproof canopy will be required.
- Floor base: The Base whether indoors or outdoors must be level and smooth to ensure the generator runs true and to prevent accumulation of water.
- Ventilation: Heat emitted by the alternator, engine and radiator of a generator is removed from the generator by a fan installed between the engine and the radiator, therefore the generator must be installed in a well-ventilated room or area. Such room or area must get fresh air.
- Fuel system: The generator fuel tank needs to be accessible for filling and topping up.
- Exhaust system: Noise and emissions by the exhaust system of the engine must be reduced and released to atmosphere away from working areas in a safe way.
- Electrical system: All electrical connections must be made in accordance with the drawings delivered with the generator set and the general applicable rules.
What does the terms standby/prime/continuous refer?
The terms are defined by the international ISO 8528 standard. All engine and alternator manufacturers comply with this standard. These terms define the category in which a generator will run.
- Standby power: Power generation for a limited period under variable load. It can work 200 hours a year under 70% load on average. It is used as standby power supply in case of power failure. It must not be overloaded.
- Prime power: Continuous power generation under variable load. Its average load must be 70%. It can be overloaded by 10% for 1 hour every 12 hours.
- Continuous power: Continuous power generation under fixed load. Load can be 100% on average. It must not be overloaded.
What if a generator is used for a purpose other than the standby/prime/continuous categories?
Depending on load levels, the generator could be overloaded or underloaded, because of this the expected service life will be shortened, the operational efficiency could decrease and in the worst cases the engine/alternator could be damaged.You should ensure your generator is used within the category indicated on the rating plate. The operational misuse could affect any warranty claim.
How long does my generator run with a full fuel tank?
Fuel consumption of a generator depends on the load level, the standard Ability Power Limited supplied Generator fuel tanks allow the generator to run for at least 8 hours under full load. The lower the load, the longer the operation time.
What should I do if I do not need to use the generator for a long time?
Storage is very important for the service life of generators and should be performed by authorised engineers. After storage for a long time, the generator must be prepared for operation by an authorised engineer. This is especially important if the Generator is within the warranty period.
Are the ATS panels single phase or Three Phase?
Ability Power produce ATS panels in single phase or three phase models.
Are the ATS panels a standard physical size for all powers?
NO, depending on whether a single phase or three phase is required and the current capability the ATS panels are of different sizes, however Ability Power Limited can manufacture in oversized enclosures or reduce sizes in certain instances.
Do your ATS panels comply with BS 60947-6?
Ability Power Limited Manufacture ATS panels for Life safety applications and for standard applications. For ATS compliance of an installation for life safety BS8519:2020 we would provide fully compliant equipment.
Can indicator panels or remote panels be attached to the ATS panels?
YES, Ability Power can offer and build into the panels facilities for remote indication panels, remote monitoring or connection to the BMS system.
Does the ATS come with isolation Switches?
Ability Power Limited manufacture optional single line bypasses or double Line bypasses with isolation. This requirement needs to be requested during quotation.
Can you test the ATS while power still available?
Yes, The ATS comes with a front panel mounted test switch to transfer the load from power source 1 to power source 2.
Are the ATS panels bottom or top cable entry?
Ability Power Limited can build the ATS panels with Bottom OR top entry, the cable entry has to be specified prior to manufacturing.
Do standard ATS panels transfer with no break in load supply?
NO, when transferring there is a break in the supply to the load, if you require a no break changeover you will need to install a Static switch or if you need battery back up install a UPS on the load side of the ATS.
Can a Static switch by disconnected and removed without disturbing the load?
YES, if a wrap around bypass is installed with the static switch.
Whatis a UPS (Uninterruptible Power supply) ?
A UPS is a piece of electrical equipment which is installed between the mains power supply and the critical load. The UPS will supply the load with AC power free of disturbances and within strict amplitude and frequency tolerances. The main components of a UPS are a rectifier/charger and an inverter plus an internal or external battery for backup power in the event of a mains failure.
What UPS topologies are available?
There are three major UPS topologies which give differing levels of power protection for computers and other sensitive electronic equipment, these are Off-Line UPS's, Line-Interactive UPS's and True On-Line UPS's. Users who do not require the highest possible power availability to the critical load have the option of off-line or line-interactive UPS devices.
What are the differences in UPS Topologies?
Whatare the differences in UPS Topologies?
OFF-Line UPS (stand by)
This type of UPS does not supply the load through the Battery and/or inverter until the utility supply fails, when the utility supply fails the load is transferred via a switch to inverter, the inverter then starts and runs the load. The action of the transfer will cause a transfer time delay after the command to switch which is usually less than a half cycle or eight milliseconds @ 60Hz and 10 milliseconds @50 Hz. The time from Utility supply failure to end of the transfer time is usually acceptable for most electrical loads. Off-line, (also called stand-by), is a cost-effective choice for small, non-critical stand-alone applications, for example, isolated PCs and peripherals.
Line Interactive UPS
Line-interactive UPS's use a bi-directional inverter to run the load and charge the battery. The inverter "interacts" with the utility Mains to maintain nominal output voltage to the load, this interaction with the utility supply improves the overall UPS performance over that of the off-line products. Line-interactive UPS devices offer protection against wide input voltage swings, sustained brownout and single-phase conditions. For many users, the line-interactive UPS is a very good level of protection.
True on-line UPS
True on-line UPS inverter's supply the load with regulated voltage and frequency at all times and the battery is continuously connected to the inverter, therefore eliminating any breaks in supply to the load. The performance of this type of UPS has a number of benefits which are advantageous for mission-critical applications. The Benefits include:
The Benefits include:
- Improved battery life when compared to off-line or Line Interactive.
- Supply/Load isolation, resulting in stable output voltage.
- Increased reliability with simpler controls.
- Continuous Load Supply.
- No switching required for battery operation.
- Wide input voltage range which optimizes battery life and potentially reduces battery costs by up to 75%.
All major topologies -- off-line, line-interactive, on-line and hybrids -- work. The decision on which UPS to use is a question of which is appropriate for a given application. A true on-line UPS would be used for truly mission-critical loads, or applications which require continuity. When high reliability of electric service is required, switching between alternate energy sources is not acceptable.
What is Backup time (Autonomy)?
This is the time that the internal or external battery of the UPS can sustain the Critical load during a Utility supply failure. The back up time is dependant on the battery size and efficiency of the UPS.
What back up times are availableThe typical back up times are normally between five minutes and 30minutes, although depending on the UPS selected these times can be extended to several hours.
What are Harmonics (current and voltage)?
All alternating current which is not absolutely sinusoidal is made up of a fundamental and a certain number of current harmonics which are the cause of its deformation (distortion) when compared to the theoretical sine-wave.
What is MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures)?
Calculation of the duration of normal operation of a repairable device between failures. The product, expressed in hours, is an indication on the reliability of the device.
What is MTTF (Mean Time To Failure)?
Calculation of the duration of normal operation of a non-reparable device, i.e. for which a MTBF is not possible. The product, expressed in hours, is an indication on the reliability of the device.
What is MTTR (Mean Time To Repair)?
Calculation of the time required to repair a device.
What is Eco-Mode?
The Eco-Mode is a cost-effective operation of a UPS System, when selected the load is supplied by the Utility Supply. If the utility Supply fails, the inverter takes over and provides supply continuity to the load.
What are the advantages of IGBT rectifier UPS?
DSP controlled power factor corrected IGBT rectifiers provide higher input power factor, lower input current total harmonic distortion, wide input voltage and frequency tolerance. Ability Power UPS using this sytsem provide ≥0.99 input power factor PFi, and ≤ 5% input current total harmonic distortion THDi.
High power factorreduces reactive power and therefore reduces electrical consumptionand reduces cable sizes, associated switchgear, transformer andgenerator sizing requirements.
High power factor reduces reactive power and therefore reduces electrical consumption and reduces cable sizes, associated switchgear, transformer and generator sizing requirements.
Low input current THDi elliminates disturbances to other loads connected upstream the power distribution bus and interference reflected back into the utility supply.
What are the advantages of Intelligent Battery Charging?
The battery of a UPS is a very important component of the UPS system, Ability Power UPS's uses technology to maximize the battery life. It provides - charging voltage control according to temperature - protection against deep discharge - protection against over current - very low residual, ripple voltage - battery test with indication of battery condition
What Batteries are used in Battery storage?
Any type of battery can be used, Ability Power Limited generally use Valve regulated Lead acid or Lithium Ion batteries.
Are Lithium Ion batteries Dangerous?
All batteries can be dangerous when working in close proximity to them, only fully trained personnel should work on batteries.
If the Lithium ion battery is subjected to high temperature will they explode or go on fire?
AbilityPower Limited use a certain type of Lithium Ion battery which has been tested under extreme temperatures and has been proven not to explode or to catch fire, these particular Lithium Ion batteries have also been cycled using high charge and discharge currents with no issues.
What are the life of the batteries?
The Lithium Ion batteries have up to 12000 full cycles, depending on the autonomy and usage they can last for over 25 years. Lead acid batteries have a considerable lower life expectancy of between 400 to 600 cycles dependent on Ah sizing and load.
What is Backup time (Autonomy)?
This is the time that the internal battery of the Storage unit can sustain the load during discharge. The back up time is dependant on the battery size and efficiency of the Converter.
What back up times are available?
What back up times are available?The typical back up times are normally between 1 hour and 8 hours, although depending on the Storage system selected these times can be extended to meet the back up time required.
What are the physical sizes of Battery Storage systems?
The Battery Storage systems come in 10ft, 20ft, 30ft and 40ft containers, depending on the power requirement and autonomy. The 20ft container systems can be paralleled therefore a system of 4 containers can be used to supply larger loads.
What are Harmonics (current and voltage)?
All alternating current which is not absolutely sinusoidal is made up of a fundamental and a certain number of current harmonics which are the cause of its deformation (distortion) when compared to the theoretical sine-wave.
What is MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures)?
Calculation of the duration of normal operation of a repairable device between failures. The product, expressed in hours, is an indication on the reliability of the device.
What is MTTF (Mean Time To Failure)
Calculation of the duration of normal operation of a non-reparable device, i.e. for which a MTBF is not possible. The product, expressed in hours, is an indication on the reliability of the device.
What is MTTR (Mean Time To Repair)?
Calculation of the time required to repair a device.
What is Eco-Mode?
The Eco-Mode is a cost-effective operation of a Battery Storage System, when selected the load is supplied by the Primary Source. If the utility Supply fails, the converter takes over and provides supply continuity to the load.
What are the advantages of IGBT rectifier’s?
DSP controlled power factor corrected IGBT rectifiers provide higher input power factor, lower input current total harmonic distortion, wide input voltage and frequency tolerance. Ability Power Battery storage systems provide ≥0.99 input power factor PFi, and ≤ 5% input current total harmonic distortion THDi.
High power factor reduces reactive power and therefore reduces electrical consumption and reduces cable sizes, associated switchgear, transformer and generator sizing requirements.
Low input current THDi eliminates disturbances to other loads connected upstream the power distribution bus and interference reflected back into the utility supply.
What are the advantages of Intelligent Battery Charging?
The battery is a very important component of the Battery Storage system, Ability Power rectifiers use technology to maximize the battery life.
It provides
- charging voltage control according to temperature
- protection against deep discharge
- protection against over current
- very low residual, ripple voltage
- battery test with indication of battery condition.
How do you deliver large heavy systems?
The large systems can be delivered on a flat bed lorry for lift off by the customers preferred method or depending on the size and weight Ability Power can arrange a Hiab delivery to Off load the system on the customers site.
What if the system has to go into a building?
Depending on the size and location Ability Power Limited can arrange for skating of the system into position.
What times are available for delivery?
The systems can be arranged for a delivery at any time if this has been requested by the customer, however additional charges may apply.
Do we have to be present during delivery?
A customer representative has to be present during delivery to ensure the system is not damaged and that the system is delivered to the correct location.
Can we have a FORS delivery?
Yes, specialist delivery companies are employed by Ability Power to meet this requirement.
What if the system is damaged during delivery?
Please inform Ability Power Limited at once, take pictures immediately and an overview of the delivery process.